Upper Extremity Prosthetics

People born without an arm or hand, or those who experience an upper limb/extremity amputation, are missing not only a limb, but also a sophisticated tool for daily living.


Selecting and learning to use a prosthesis can be a major challenge. Our specialists make facing this challenge a little easer with a comprehensive program that addresses each person’s functional, psychological and occupational needs.

We are here to assist our patients in every way possible. Helping our patients return to doing the things they enjoy is important to us. The upper extremity prostheses are designed to not only cosmetically replace the missing limb but to assist with function as well. A prosthesis will never completely replace the limb that was lost. However, a functional prosthesis can significantly improve the quality of life of the patient, enabling the patient to perform regular tasks without assistance and live an independent lifestyle.

There are many different components to select when fabricating a prosthesis. We work together with our patients to determine which design is most suitable to accomplish their goals. We assist with all levels of amputation, from partial hand and wrist disarticulation, above and below elbow to shoulder disarticulations.

Although, there is a need for body-powered prostheses, patients now have the ability to control their prosthesis by using external power sources. It is extremely important to work with an experienced prosthetist. We have upper extremity specialists on staff, who have years of experience molding and assembling the best prosthesis to match each patient’s individual lifestyle.

Cosmetics are extremely important when creating a prosthesis. Upper extremity prosthetics can be designed to match your skin tone exactly and provide a very natural-looking finish. Patients can even choose to have details such as freckles added to the prosthesis. We understand the importance of cosmetics and having the prosthesis not even noticed by others.